Talking Insider Threat Detection & Response with Kirk Cerny, Senior Director of Insider Threat - CYDERES

Insider threats pose a complex challenge for most organizations.

Information security and IT departments are constrained by conventional network detection systems that don’t account for the distinctly human motivations behind such threats. Meanwhile, HR, legal and physical security teams lack the means to derive useful intelligence from cyber indicators. The result is that risky insiders often go undetected until after an adverse event occurs. That’s why we created our CYDERES Insider Threat Detection & Response solution, or ITDR, to address these common challenges.

In order to illuminate more about this game-changing solution, we talked to Kirk Cerny, Senior Director of Insider Threat at CYDERES to get the lowdown on ITDR, and a broader look at insider threats.

Intro to Insider Threat Detection & Response

CYDERES Insider Threat Detection & Response, or ITDR is a first-of-its-kind solution to help organizations combat the growing number of insider activities that are affecting organizations in adverse ways. ITDR seamlessly combines technical and human behavioral indicators within a single analytics platform, providing a unique blend of cybersecurity firepower and AI-driven behavioral analytics that enable SOC teams and their HR and legal counterparts to proactively mitigate their highest-priority threats.

Starting Your Own Insider Threat Detection Program

Don’t know where to begin with starting your own insider threat detection program? Kirk breaks down a good entry point and highlights how CYDERES can help get your insider threat detection program off the ground.

The Technical & Non-Technical Indicators of Insider Threat

Many insider threat programs focus only on technical indicators, but insider threat is not just a network problem, but a human problem. ITDR focuses on both technical and non-technical indicators to provide a more well-rounded and effective insider threat solution.

What Does a Whole-Person Approach to Insider Threat Look Like?

Kirk dives deeper into how non-technical indicators factor in to our “whole-person approach” to insider threat.

The Present State of Insider Threat

Insider threats are on the rise, and 2021 has been a year where many are either starting or bolstering their insider threat programs, as Kirk explains.

The Importance of Insider Threat Deterrence

Insider threat programs need to be much more than just responding to malicious activity. It is also important to put an emphasis on deterrence to reduce the likelihood that an adverse event will occur.

24/7 Insider Threat Mitigation

Staying on top of insider threats effectively can be a daunting task. With CYDERES, you have a team that is ready to assist 24/7.

Insider Threat Detection & Response

Ready to do address the human factor of cybersecurity? The CYDERES Insider Threat Detection & Response solution is built to provide you with a frictionless way to tackle the issue of insider threat within your organization.

To learn more about ITDR and insider threats, fill out the form below to be connected with one of our experts.