How SMBs achieve enterprise-grade cybersecurity

Winning at cybersecurity is difficult for today’s large enterprise. It’s more so for smaller operations.

Meet payroll, develop products, schedule benefits. With the long task list in mid-size enterprises, cybersecurity all too often falls by the wayside.

Every business is a technology business. Unfortunately, this puts small to mid-sized execs in an especially tough spot when it comes to cybersecurity. They often don’t have the architecture (the people, processes, or technology) in place to properly or efficiently secure their organization.

The threat of compromise looms large. The struggle to meet compliance requirements is real. And the distraction from the core business affects the bottom line.

Truth: Cybersecurity is every organization’s Achilles heel. The advantages of online commerce bring perils that absolutely need to be addressed. That’s why leveraging the cloud and shoring up security is imperative to a prosperous future.

Outsourcing to overcome financial hurdles

Outsourcing allows mid-size businesses to take advantage of the same kinds of tech resources that large companies have in-house. Cost-effectiveness is the biggest advantage, as medium-sized businesses would need to dedicate at least $1-2 million to stand up a security operations center (SOC) with three shifts of three analysts each, plus backups.

A partner with virtual SOC capabilities, by contrast, can offer superior 24/7 security for a fraction of the total cost of ownership — due to economies of scale, reliance on cloud infrastructure and deployment of AI techniques. Partnering with an outside provider is the best way for mid-level orgs to obtain enterprise-level security while maintaining focus on their core business.

Enterprise-grade security for all

We believe every organization deserves and needs enterprise-grade security. And we understand mission critical. Cybersecurity concerns are no less significant to the CEO of a smaller enterprise. It’s a huge stressor that detracts from the company’s mission.

To avoid downtime and disruption, mid-size orgs can’t afford to put off cybersecurity architecture assessments. With a roadmap of actionable findings — and a trusted partner, mid-size execs can focus time and talent on the company mission.